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GNP Hike Advisor

Glacier National Park
Hike Advisor

Mountain Goat above Grinnell Glacier Lake in Glacier National Park

Welcome to GNP Hike Advisor
I am Susan Stocker. I started GNP Hike Advisor to make it easier for you to have the experience of a lifetime hiking in Glacier National Park.

Our first trip to GNP was in 2007, long before there was social media. We were new to hiking but could see why Glacier is "the hikers paradise". We were instantly hooked by the unique beauty of Glacier.


We have called GNP our summer home every year since. After 17 consecutive years, my husband (Eric) and I have logged over 3100 miles on the trails inside GNP. Last summer we day-hiked 350 miles. It never gets old.


Our Great Bernese, Beau, loves the mountains and keeps an eye on things at the cabin, while we are out on the trail. Beau (half Pyrenees, half Bernese) would love to spend winters in Montana, but it is more than I can handle. So Atlanta is home.


That means, not only do I have the knowledge of a GNP local, I also have the experience of a traveler, planning and making decisions year round, just like you. There are so many decisions to make, questions to ask, and advice to seek. 


I hope you will take a look at what GNP Hike Advisor has to offer. Mainly, the option to actually talk to someone who can answer all of your questions! Young, old, new hikers, and seasoned ones, I love talking to people about where to hike, what to do, what to see, and how to navigate around such a big park. Most of all, I love hearing from people after their trip - their stories and their excitement! Every time I help someone with their trip, it is like I get to share a little bit of their experience.

On the Highline Trail in Glacier National Park
Beau, our Great Bernese Mountain Dog
Susan Stocker, GNP Hike Advisor

GNP Hike Advisor is your personal guide to having an amazing and unique experience hiking in Glacier National Park. My goal is to help you plan your trip in a fraction of the time. It is also to make sure you are not left with a lot of questions, doubts, or last minute decisions. 

What I do

I can help you put together a detailed itinerary for the hikes and activities you want to do while you are in GNP. I can help you organize your time so you spend more of it on the trail than in your car or in long lines.

If you are more of a do-it-yourself planner, I have an organized, detailed, and easy to use planning guide that brings together information from across dozens of web and social media sites into one easy to use e-booklet. I have included money saving tips, advice, and resources, that are all based on my own experience. Planning a trip to GNP used to be simple. Now it is complicated and most people start planning 12 months in advance. 

Your GNP experience should be unique

Almost every website recommends the same 8-10 hiking trails, making them very crowded and parking next to impossible. I have the experience to quickly match you and whomever you are hiking with to the perfect trails. There are 88 day-hikes in Glacier National Park. I have been on all of them. Not once. Dozens of times.

You don't have to follow the crowd. Your experience should be unique.

GNP Hike Advisor

What makes GNP Hike Advisor different

  • Actually talk to someone who can give you unique advice and answers. Other sites recommend the same hikes and itineraries, year after year.

  • My suggestions are based on what I find out about you, want what you want to do.

  • I have hiked GNP trails in all seasons and conditions, from June through October. I can help you choose the best hikes based on when you are going.

  • Plans can quickly change due to trail closures, weather, an fire smoke. I am a " change of plans" artist! And I can show you how.

  • Most people do not realize how big Glacier National Park is and spend more time in their car than is necessary. I know how to help you make the most of your time.

  • 17 years of first hand experience planning trips, navigating the crowds, entrance passes, and reservation systems. 

  • What GNP Hike Advisor is NOT

    • a travel agency. I do not offer packaged trips.

    • a travel blog. I don't just write about GNP. I am in it every summer.

    • a reseller of products or services. I do not get paid to promote anything I recommend.

    • a website that wants you to click on ads. No annoying pop-up ads.


To earn a positive review, I have to provide a good product/service.

So, if you wish could just talk to someone who can guide you through your planning and hiking decisions, you are in the right place!


I have the knowledge of a GNP local and the experience of a traveler.

GNP Hike Advisor

Let's Get Started

Download the GNP Planning Guide


This is for the "do it yourself" planner. You can spending hours searching and following links from page to page, trying to recall where you found a key bit of information for your trip.  Or, you can use this planner.


I have organized all of the information you need in a 16 page e-booklet. It has links to each webpage. It is organized, accurate, and simple to use. I have added as many planning tips as I can that will make your experience even better.

In addition, you will get answers to the most common planning questions people ask on social media.


If you have already started, use it to make sure you have not missed anything. 

Select the GNP Hike Advisor Planning Guide below.

Book an appointment

In a virtual meeting, we will go into detail on the best hikes and itinerary that is just right for you and whoever is going with you.

  • Choose a 45 minute call. Best for itineraries under 7 days.

  • Choose a 90 minute call. Best for trips over 7days, especially if you are just getting started. (Can be scheduled in two sessions)

  • Appointments include a copy of the GNP Hike Advisor Planning Guide.

  • Note: I am not an expert on backpacking. I do not offer advice on backcountry itineraries. Only day-hikes.

During your appointment, we will

  • Choosing the best day-hikes based on your hiking ability. Have backup hikes in case of weather or trail closures.

  • Navigating the park. Passes and how to get them, which entrance to use, where to park, when to take the shuttle or a boat, and much more. 

  • How and when to buy passes, boat tickets, or shuttles.

  • Avoid crowds. The best times to arrive at the trailhead or when to take a shuttle. Which trails have the least crowds.

  • Gear you will want to have, for the week you will be in GNP.

  • Travel with pets, where they can go in the park. The best places for boarding, vets, and bathing.

  • Weather, fire smoke, and trail closures and how to adjust so you don't miss a hike.

  • Tips on area airports, car rental, and places to stay that could save you some money.

If you are visiting Glacier National Park for the first time, get ready for one of the most memorable trips you will ever take! If you are returning to Glacier, I know how excited you already are!

Order Your GNP Planning Guide

What's inside your Planning Guide:

  • Airport Options

  • Car Rental Options

  • Lodging inside GNP

  • Transportation inside GNP

  • Other Transportation Options

  • GNP Passes, Permits, Passports

  • Activities inside GNP

  • Maps

  • Alerts

  • Internet Coverage in GNP

  • Hiking with Kids

  • Answers to the most common questions found on social media

  • And loads of time and money saving tips!


GNP Hike Advisor

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Comments (1)

Mar 09

Susan provided expert advice and planning for our trip to GNP. With so many trails and navigating access to the park, this planning is a must, especially if you have a limited number of days to hike this beautiful place!

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